Tata Motors AR_2013-14 - page 9

Tata Motors is working on a strong pipeline of new products and
technologies keeping in view the changing market, customers’
aspirations and regulatory needs. The company is at an inflexion
point with its entire product portfolio being revamped with
relevant and exciting products for our target customers. Initiatives
on cost-erosion and customer experience are being pursued
with great rigor to help transform the organization into a more
competitive and profitable business in the coming years.
Our employees, suppliers and channel partners remain our major
source of strength. We sincerely thank them for their strong resolve
and commitment shown to the cause of the company. Even in
very difficult situations they have demonstrated utmost patience,
understanding and dedication. Finally, I wish to thank you, our
shareholders, for reposing faith in Tata Motors and its management,
without which the company could not have taken the bold steps
and decisions required towards making Tata Motors a respected
global automobile company.
Tata Motors is working on a strong
pipeline of new products and
technologies keeping in view
the changing market, customers’
aspirations and regulatory needs. The
company is at an inflexion point with
its entire product portfolio being
revamped with relevant and exciting
products for our target customers.
Corporate Information
Mission, Vision and Values
Board of Directors
Chairman’s Message
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