Tata Motors AR_2013-14 - page 30

Statutory Reports
Corporate Overview
69th Annual Report 2013-14
Financial Statements
Responsible Business of the Year
JLR was the first ever manufacturer to win the UK’s top CSR
accolade, ‘Responsible Business of the Year’ in July 2013; being
recognised for investments in UK jobs and facilities. JLR improves its
environmental performance and increases the skills and education
opportunities for young people and existing employees.
Employee volunteering
JLR encourages its employees to engage with the local community.
The company works with local authorities and community groups
to identify initiatives which need support. In 2013, JLR donated
21,000 hours of employee time by 14.5% of its workforce or 3,600
employees on community projects.
Educating tomorrow’s Engineers
JLR’s ‘Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers’ (ITE) programme, in
collaboration with schools across UK to promote learning and
engagement with STEM (science, technology, engineering and
maths) subjects, helps to nurture engineering talent. Five dedicated
Education Business Partnership Centres (EBPCs) and careers
outreach events such as Big Bang Young Scientist and Engineer Fair
helped it engage more than 328,000 students in 2013.
The ‘Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers’ programme won BITC’s
National Education Award 2013 in recognition of the positive
impact its long-term school partnerships are having on increasing
employability skills and promoting engineering careers to
young people.
National Schools Challenge Projects
Students aged 5 to 19 years, across the UK participate in Jaguar
Land Rover’s school challenges ‘Jaguar Maths in Motion’, the
‘Jaguar Primary School Challenge’ and ‘Land Rover 4x4 in Schools
Technology Challenge’. These are designed to apply STEM subjects
to hands-on projects which simulate the exciting challenges our
engineers encounter. In 2013-14, more than 226,000 young people
participated in these challenges. JLR has supported ‘Jaguar Maths
in Motion’, the largest Maths challenge of its kind in the UK, since
it was established in 2000. To date, more than one million young
people have participated in the grand prix style challenge.
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