Tata Motors AR_2013-14 - page 29

We contributed
4.5 crores towards relief and rehabilitation
of those affected by flash floods in Uttarakhand in June 2013
(comprising of matching contribution by employees and the
Company) to the Tata Relief Committee. Additionally, three
truckloads of relief material were immediately dispatched with our
employees serving as volunteers to help 500 families stranded in
remote villages of Pithoragarh District in Uttarakhand.
Through SMDF (Sumant Moolgaokar Development Foundation) we
implemented the ‘Amrutdhara’ initiative aimed at providing access
to safe drinking water to needy and deserving communities. Since
the inception a total of 296 drinking water projects have been
implemented across the country under this initiative.
We continue to encourage employee volunteering through our
group-wide Tata Engage initiative. We celebrated Tata Volunteering
Week (TVW) during March 3-9, 2014 to commemorate the 175th
Birth Anniversary of our Founder Late Mr J N Tata. About 6,500
employees registered themselves as CSR Volunteers and more than
5,200 participated in different social activities during this week. The
Joy of Giving Week (JoGW) held in October 2013 also witnessed
widespread employee volunteering and contributions across
manufacturing and office locations.
The NEXT Level in Fuel Economy
Corporate Social Responsibility
The NEXT Level in Connectivity
The NEXT Level in Driving Experiences
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