Tata Motors AR_2013-14 - page 28

Statutory Reports
Corporate Overview
69th Annual Report 2013-14
Financial Statements
As a responsible corporate citizen, our
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Strategy complements our business
philosophy and objectives.
We have adopted the Tata Group Affirmative Action (AA) Policy
attempting to voluntarily address the prevailing social inequities
in India by encouraging positive discrimination for the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ ST) communities. Every year, we
participate in TAAP (Tata Affirmative Action Programme) Assessment,
developed on the lines of TBEM (Tata Business Excellence Model).
Proximity-linked CSR investments are implemented across locations
where we serve communities in the vicinity of our manufacturing
plants and office locations. We encourage collaboration with all
our stakeholders and cascade sustainable initiatives across the
company ecosystem, both upstream and downstream, including
inter alia subsidiaries and associate companies, channel partners –
dealers and service stations and supply chain.
Scholarship Programmes
Special Coaching Classes
School Infrastructure Improvement
Co-Curricular activities
More than 37,000 children were benefited in 2013-14
Addressing Malnutrition
Preventive and Curative Healthcare Services
Creating health awareness
More than 2,84,000 persons were benefited in 2013-14
Driver Training Programme
Training in Automotive and Technical Trades
Training in Agriculture and allied activities
ITI adoption Programme- training 137 youth across India
More than 20,000 youth were benefited in 2013-14
Tree Plantation Programmes
Creating Environmental Awareness
Soil and Water Conservation
1,64,000 trees were planted in 2013-14
More than 18,500 people participated in our environmental
awareness programmes in 2013-14
Our Learn & Earn programme aims to provide gainful livelihood
opportunities to youth. Unemployed youth – typically school
dropouts, undergo certified training in Motor Mechanic Vehicle
(MMV) trade which comprises of theory classes held at Technical
Training Institutes coupled with practical On the Job Training (OJT)
imparted at TML Dealers/ Service Stations. The youth get to learn
industry-relevant curriculum besides earning a monthly stipend
during the training period and benefit from the forward-placement
linkages built into the programme.
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