Tata Motors AR_2013-14 - page 103

Directors’ Report
Management Discussion & Analysis
Corporate Governance
Secretarial Audit Report
As a means of ensuring business relevance and value of learning
offered, efforts are taken to closely align learning & development with
business needs and priorities through a learning governance body
called as Learning Advisory Council (LAC). The Company has a multi-
tiered LAC structure which involves senior leaders in different parts of
the organization as its members. LACs play a threefold role namely –
designing, implementing and reviewing the learning agenda.
Within the Technical Training set up an innovative Fundamental
Skills Training intervention has been launched across the
organization. This aims at addressing through training of the front
line team members on the correct skill required to perform the
job. The Company is now migrating from a trade based training
approach to a process based training approach wherein it’s more
important for the team member to know skills related to his actual
work in addition to the general trade based skills which he learns
at the Training institutes (ITI’s). These skills are very specific and not
currently taught at the ITI’s.
Union Wage Settlements:
All employees in India belonging to the
operative grades are members of labour unions except at Sanand
& Dharwad plants. The Company has generally enjoyed cordial
relations with its employees at its factories and offices.
Employee wages are paid in accordance with wage agreements
that have varying terms (typically three years) at different locations.
The expiration dates of the wage agreements with respect to
various locations/subsidiaries are as follows:
Wage Agreement valid until
August 31, 2015
March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016
December 31, 2015
March 31, 2014*
March 31, 2015
Jaguar Land Rover
October 31, 2014
*Under negotiation
A cordial industrial relations environment has been maintained in
all the Company’s manufacturing units.
The variability in wage settlements was built in by introducing
vehicles and profit linked payment scheme based on the index of
various parameters such as quality, productivity, operating profit
and individual’s performance and attendance.
Operatives and Union support in implementation of programmes
towards quality, cost and productivity improvements across all
locations is commendable.
Over the years, the Company has devoted significant resources
towards our research and development activities. The Company’s
research and development activities focus on product development,
environmental technologies and vehicle safety. The Company’s
Engineering Research Centre, or ERC, established in 1966, is one of
the few in-house automotive research and development centers in
India recognized by the Government. ERC is integrated with all of the
Tata Motors Global Automotive Product Design and Development
Centers in South Korea, Italy and the United Kingdom. In addition
to this, the Company leverages key competencies through various
engineering service suppliers and design teams of its suppliers.
The Company has a state of the art crash test facility for passive
safety development towards meeting regulatory and consumer
group test requirements and evaluating occupant safety. The
Company has a full vehicle level crash test facility, sled test facility
for simulating the crash environment on subsystems, a pedestrian
safety testing facility, a pendulum impact test facility for goods
carrier vehicles and other equipment & facilities to develop
products that comply with various safety norms. This facility is
also supported with CAE Infrastructure to simulate tests in digital
environment. The Company has Transient Dynamometer test beds,
Mileage Accumulation chassis dynamometer and Emission labs are
available for futuristic engine development, State of the art Engine
Noise Test Cell facility & Transmission Control Units are being
installed for better Powertrain deployment. The Companyalso has
a hemi-anechoic chamber testing facility for developing vehicles
with lower noise and vibration levels and an engine emission and
performance development facilities, to develop products meeting
international standards. The Company also has an eight poster road
load simulator for vehicle structural durability validation of M&HCV.
Other key facilities include a full vehicle environmental testing facility,
heavy duty dynamometers and aggregate endurance test rigs.
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