Tata Motors AR_2013-14 - page 102

Statutory Reports
Corporate Overview
69th Annual Report 2013-14
Financial Statements
The Company’s human resources team has been invited to
replicate this system in other Tata Companies.
The Company “Talent Management Scheme” which includes
the identification of high performers and high potentials
through various routes such as our Performance Management
System and Development Centers. Subsequent to the
identification process, we provide them with challenging
assignments for faster development.
Introduction of performance rating based salary review and
quality linked variable payment for supervisory category of
Restructuring the top level organization and creation of new
verticals for greater functional focus and moving towards
creating a matrix organization.
Implementation of a powerful employer brand to attract talent
- “Lead the Future” has become the Company’s Employee
Value Proposition statement.
Driving cultural transformation - The Company has reframed
the mission, vision, values and culture of the organization and
introduced the concept of ACES - Accountability, Customer &
Product focus, Excellence and Speed.
Extensive brand building initiatives at university campuses to
increase recruiting from premium universities.
To focus on skill and capability building of our blue collar
workforce; common curriculum, infrastructure and training
methods have been developed. Pilot infrastructure has
been developed at Pune and Sanand and the same will be
introduced at all other manufacturing plants
JLR launched a new “Team Talk Online” portal to its production
workers, which provides themwith business updates alongside
information on employee benefits, training and development.
We employed approximately 66,593 and 62,716 (includes Tata
Motor Group) permanent employees as of March 31, 2014 and 2013
respectively. The average number of temporary employees for the
FY 2013-14, was approximately 33,422.
The following table set forth a breakdown of persons employed
by our business segments and by geographic location as of
March 31, 2014.
No. of Employees
No. of Employees
(Late) Mr Karl Slym, Managing Director of the Company had an
untimely and tragic demise in Bangkok in January 2014, which has
created a void in the management. As an interim measure, oversight
on Company’s operations which was provided by the Executive
Committee of the Company (ExCom), chaired by the Managing
Director, is now undertaken by a Corporate Steering Committee
(CSC) chaired by Mr Cyrus P Mistry, who devotes greater focus and
attention to the management of operations of the Company.
Training and Development:
Tata Motors is committed to the training & development of its
employees. There is a focused approach to address all capability
gaps and prepare employees for changes in the external
environment, such that it enables meeting the organization’s
strategic objectives.
The training & development system addresses development needs
of various segments of workforce through the Tata Motors Academy
(TMA). Well defined Centres of Excellence (CoE) like Manufacturing
Excellence & Innovation, Commercial, Corporate, Management
Development and Global Leadership are a part of TMA. These CoEs
address the diverse needs of different categories of employees and
functions through mediums like classroom interventions, external
programs as well as an in-house learning management system
(LMS) based online platform. TMA offers learning interventions
at each level of an employee’s transition in the organization
beginning with his/her joining. High potential employees at senior
levels are also selected for the Fulbright fellowships for leadership
in management.
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